Friday, August 20, 2010

The title of my blog is too long, therefore Blogger shortens it to "Things Robert Thinks About in his Spa..."

I would think of many glorious things if I were thinking them in a spa. I am quite certain of that. I am also quite certain that a spa would be a very nice place to think. Sadly, I do not own a spa, and therefore, I do very little thinking there. If this blog were indeed a blog about the Things I Think About in my Spa, I think the Things would be few and the blog would be short.

Fortunately for you, dear reader, this blog is not about the Things I Think About in my Spa, and should therefore be filled with much more for you to dearly read. In fact, the title of my blog normally reads Things Robert Thinks About in his Spare Time. That Robert is me, the spare time is mine, and those thoughts and things are now yours. Well, mine originally, dear reader, but as you read dearly, they will become yours. Or perhaps ours. For they are still mine, but I am giving them to you, making them yours. Or do we share them making them ours? I cannot decide which.

Which brings me to my first thought, which I think of often. Ideas. I do a lot of thinking about ideas. Ideas are new thoughts. I could think about them for hours, but for now I will just share this thought; an Idea is the only product valuable to man that increases in quality and quantity when it is shared.

This thought was shared with me by Paul Rommer who spoke at a TED conference and mentioned the sharing of ideas as a way to create growth in a city or a nation. TED's motto is, in fact, "Ideas Worth Spreading." I really like this idea. I want to share it with you!

TED Talks: Ideas worth spreading.

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