Friday, December 31, 2010

Random Thought of the Day

I enjoy silly science comics. This one is exceptionally silly. ¡DisfrĂștalo!

Thursday, December 30, 2010

Otis, the Great Bustard

Otis tarda, the Great Bustard. An endangered, migratory species that once was found across the open grasslands of Europe and Asia.

is the world's largest flying bird.

He also has a rather queer breeding display...

Otis stood in the center of the field, feathers ruffled, feeling proud yet slightly
ridiculous. He knew they all were laughing at him and his new outfit. It had
cost him years of hard work and energy, but he finally did it. This plumage
would set him apart from the rest of the boys. This would be his year.
This year he was gonna find a mate.
Otis is a loner. He looks really silly in that hat.
Judgmental Barn Owls would have a thing or two to say about this new 'fit.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Random Thought of the Day

Barn Swallows are pretty neat. The females select males based on the length of their streamer tails. Males with long streamers are more fit (they can dedicate more energy to growing long tail feathers), they have lower parasite loads, longer lived, disease resistant, and have a higher vitality.

They are also quite promiscuous. Barn swallows are socially monogamous, but genetically polygamous.

In other words...

they're cheaters.

Harold! I come home from a long day in the field and find you here with her?!
What the hell is this?! Am I not enough for you? Are you sleeping around with
other birds? It's because I'm molting isn't it? I'm so ugly when I'm molting!
You think I'm ugly, don't you?! My mother was right about you! She knew
our relationship wouldn't last. We met in a bar in Cabo for Pete's sake!

She caught the early train home. She gets bitchy when she molts. Avian PMS.

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Random Thought of the Day

Did you know...

The Arctic Tern migrates farther than any other migratory animal in the world. Actually, they migrate from pole to pole!

Migration route of the Arctic Tern. Breeds in the Arctic (red) and
vacations in the Antarctic (blue).

 That's right, from Arctic to Antarctic and back!

Every year.

That's more than 44,300 miles!!! Holy cow. That's a long way to fly.

Also one of my favorite birds!

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Mr. Edwards, the Ferruginous Hawk

No, I don't want to buy any cookies. And your pigtails are ugly.
Now get off my lawn!

I hate children.
Mr. Edwards is a Crotchety Old Ferruginous Hawk. But Who Doesn't Like Girlscout Cookies?

And I'm Back!

Hey! Finally have spare time again! Yay more blogging!

I have been wanted to blog something like this for a while now (partially inspired by Aaron's Emotional Marine Animals over at Tumblr). Hope you enjoy:

Look at Rhonda. She thinks she's all that and a bag of chips, strutting around with her
designer heels and tacky sunglasses. That boob-job did wonders for her self-esteem.
Too bad they couldn't fix her personality while they were at it.

Probably would have been cheaper.

Judgmental Barn Owls. Little Known Fact: Owls can get boob-jobs.