Thursday, October 7, 2010

Random Thought of the Day

Craig Venter recently announced that his team of scientists have created the very first synthetic lifeforms. Using a computer code and a few jars of chemicals, Venter and his researchers have created a brand new species of bacteria.

He says that with this breakthrough, we have gained an intimate understanding of the complexities of life which will soon allow us to invent life as we desire.

"We have a program with Exxon Mobile to try and develop new strains of algae [seaweed] that can efficiently capture carbon dioxide from the atmosphere or from concentrated sources [such as the recent oil spill in the Gulf], to make new hydrocarbons that can go into their refineries to make normal gasoline and diesel fuel out of CO2." -Craig Venter, May 2010

See the whole presentation here: Craig Venter unveils "synthetic life"

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