Tuesday, October 12, 2010

I have a new favorite blog!

I have been on a really big Marine Biology kick recently. As a matter of fact, I will be tested on phytoplankton, zooplankton, nekton and intertidal ecology today! Oh goodie!

Anyway, I am in love with this marine bio buff from Hawaii. Specifically, he posts some great photos of marine life with even greater captions. For example

Jay thought for a second.  Did he leave the oven on?  He couldn’t remember if he’d turned it off after making that quiche.  Dammit, now he was going to have to go back and check!  This always happened before a meeting!

My favorite parts are the "tags" at the bottom: OCD Shark, Reef Quiche Is Quite Tasty, EMA (for Emotional Marine Animals).

Here's another one of my favorites:

So then he says,

Non-Obligate Ram Ventilator?  I hardly know ‘er!

And then he makes this face.

Tags: Gettin' All Nerdy Up In This Bitch, EMA

Oh my goodness. So nerdy. I love it!!!

Check out the rest of his blog, a.k.a. the Incurablog!

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